This post is from a commenter on Robert Hubbell’s Newsletter today and resonates strongly with me. Some thought, a lot of effort and the coming together of the many diverse action groups working (and playing) for change will get the message across. It won’t be easy or quick, but it will happen if we want it to. Thanks to Cathy for getting it started.
Lots of things going through my mind today:
** How MTG looked and acted like Cruella Deville at the State of the Union.
** How irresponsible to the nation's security GOP members of Congress were when they took the most negative twist they could find to criticize how President Biden handled the spy balloon before they had heard any briefing on the subject.
** How greed of fracking and going after oil too deep under the ground brought about more earthquake activity to Oklahoma than it had ever felt might be a contributing factor to the earthquake disaster in Syria and Turkey - oil.
** How we need to emphasize the second word in Social Security and think about how many people would lose any sense of security if the GOP succeeds in pulling Social Security up by its roots.
** How the mass shooting at Michigan State University this evening with a lone gunman makes me want to do something to get the Congress to do their job -- for the People and their safety.
** How waiting for the Texas Judge to ban the abortion pill makes me and all women second class citizens to be hauled around by the hair by GOP apes.
** How a politician with integrity seems an oxymoron these days and I'd like to go back to my "Re-elect No One!" slogan.
What dawned on me this evening is that we need a People's Agenda that we get the majority of the People to support and only voting for those politicians who would sign on publicly to implement it. A movement not a party. A movement based on all of the People this time protecting the rights of others, protecting the right for others to vote, protecting the environment for all, to be a true democracy not just un-representative. the People's Agenda (tPA) would be akin to the Ten Commandments for Democracy, the Real Deal rather than the New Deal, Safety, Security and Sharing - Valuing generosity to the community over personal profit.
An "AND" society which synergistically grows to support the well-being of all. Where Doing the Right Thing is a motto to live by. Where Valuing Differences is an asset of different perspectives creating real solutions that help everyone. Where social media uses algorithms which already exist helping groups reach consensus and working together rather than hate and division. A movement where one's Party doesn't matter.
tPA is a clot busting drug which saved my life two hours before death (10 year anniversary of my near death will be a week from Saturday). Now we use tPA movement to bust the Congress and refill it with Synergists who take action and have empathy for all People.
Here's a short TED video by Derek Sivers on how to start a movement:
Please fill in the sentence -- One of the essential actions of tPA would be ______ . I'm thinking education (the 3 rRs - respect, responsibility and resilience), human rights for all, sustainability of the planet, sustainability of true democracy, security (food, retirement, well-being), safety (gun safety, no assault weapons, no ammunition that tears up human organs), etc......
We, the People, all of us this time being there for each other. We all live our dreams!
Thank you, Dave! I hope these words will resonate with many people. I look forward to welcoming all who want to make the People's Agenda (tPA) movement happen. Thank you for taking a key role by being a first follower and reaching out to others. I am now a Dave's Newsletter subscriber and one of your followers. Looking forward to the synergy of ideas and direction that will inspire all of us to put this People's Agenda together and invite others to join us. We, the People, all of us together this time!