Dec 28, 2023Liked by Dave Conant - MO

I've given up trying to understand what motivates Trump supporters. I also don't understand what motivates cultists, racists, misogynists, nationalist, religious fanatics, or bigots either. Trump's motivations, on the other hand, are pretty easy to figure. He must be the center of attention. Anyone who has parented a 2-year old has experienced this. Most people grow out of it. Trump hasn't.

Just like with a 2-year old, the challenge for the rest of us is how to deal with someone who is happy to behave badly.

It seems as though, as a country, we have settled into morbid curiosity. Every day has a new example of aberrant attention seeking behavior.

IMHO, it's time to focus our attention on good behavior and take the steps we need to take to make sure that bad behavior isn't rewarded with more attention.

In this case, good behavior is making the case for our family, friends, and neighbors to use their vote to reward good behavior. Ultimately democracy survives only if a majority of the country WANTS democracy to survive.

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Thank you for that letter. Very well written. When I read Mr. Hubbell's newsletter, early this morning, and got to TFG's "truth" social post, it was like having a gallon of cold water dumped on my head. I'm trying to have an actual day off, for the first time in ages, but needed to respond to this.

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Yes; thank you, we sure do. Off topic, I have been wondering if you are related to the Conants of Boston/Cape Cod?

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If you wrote this scenario for a film it would have to have been a very dark and sick comedy. " Dr. Strangelove and How I learned to love hate?"

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